This new school consists of 24 general classrooms organized around ‘quads’ - four classrooms with private teacher workspaces and two adjacent pull-out spaces that allow various educational spaces to be available at all times for the students. The organization of four classrooms anticipates four classes of each grade level, but the classrooms are generalized to allow for reassignment to different grade levels when the student count requires it. The project also included extensive and separate special education and academic/ELL support spaces designed for flexible assignment. Specialty education support spaces include a generous library/media center, art/STEM project room, and a technology/computer lab. The special events space is organized to allow after-hours use without entrance to the main academic school areas. The gym includes a full-length basketball court with a moveable wall to allow expansion of the adjacent multi-purpose room/cafeteria. The fully raised stage works on a full-time basis as the music room and another moveable wall can be opened to allow performances in the multi-purpose room.

Owner: Pullman School District
Location: Pullman, WA
Scope: New Building

2022 NW Concrete Masonry Association Outstanding Design Award


Ephrata Middle School Modernization & Addition