The school is approximately 89,000 square feet and serves grades K-5 with the capacity for 750 students. The facility was constructed on a site adjacent to an existing elementary and high school to enable sharing of resources. The school is designed to be as flexible as possible, with minimal interior structural walls to facilitate future reorganization and large spaces separated by folding partitions to allow for small or large group gatherings. Public access to the building during the school day is limited to one secure entry vestibule that allows administrators and staff to provide visitors access to the remainder of the building. There is a separate gym entry for public access to sporting events, concerts, and assemblies, allowing controlled access to areas typically used by the community while restricting access to administration and classroom areas. Interior and exterior cameras also add to the overall security of the building and campus. All classrooms include smart boards, LED projectors, audio enhancement systems, and wireless connectivity.
Owner: Elko County School District
Location: West Wendover, NV
Scope: New Building